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Resources & Links

National Sexual Assault Telephone Hotline:


Veterans Crisis Line:

Trauma Information Pages: David Baldwin

The Trevor Project:​

The Trevor Project is the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer & questioning (LGBTQ) young people under 25.


The CSQ Scales


Developed by C. Clifford Attkisson, PhD in 1979, the CSQ Scales are used in a wide spectrum of clinical, human services, educational and governmental programs, legal and police services, administrative, and research settings. The CSQ Scales are used worldwide (total of 55 language translations) in the measurement of client/patient assessment of satisfaction with services and clinical care. Tamalpais Matrix Systems, LLC (TMS) is the worldwide exclusive distributor of the CSQ Scales. TMS provides consultation and measurement systems to organizations and individuals seeking to improve the effectiveness of human service organizations. For further information on utilizing the CSQ Scales, please see and if purchasing these measures contact Cliff Attkisson, PhD or



Kenneth S. Pope, PhD


Kenneth S. Pope, PhD ABPP has created one of the most definitive websites for psychologists, and laypersons, online today, addressing a vast array of topics (e.g., caregiving, support animals, end of life issues, and notably ethical issues in the practice of psychology). His webpage includes an exhaustive collection of resources and topics on the practice of psychology.


Gordon Herz, PhD


An excellent website, created and managed by Dr. Gordon Herz, PhD, that provides information and resources on topics ranging from neuropsychological testing to an exhaustive collection of information on medicare for psychologists and also includes an up-to-date medicare user's group.

Laura S. Brown, PhD


Laura S. Brown, PhD is a clinical and forensic psychologist in independent practice in Seattle, Washington. Her website provides a wide array of information from feminist therapy theory, trauma treatment, lesbian and gay issues, assessment and diagnosis, ethics and standards of care in psychotherapy, to cultural competence.

The University of Wisconsin-Madison Integrative Health


The University of Wisconsin-Madison Integrative Health program focuses on health and healing. Their webpage includes everything about you–body, mind, spirit, lifestyle, and your connections with other people and your surroundings.

Ronald J. Diamond, MD


Recovery is not the same as cure. Recovery from mental illness is the process of having more to life than just illness. It is an ongoing process rather than simply a goal that can be achieved. Recovery from the stigma of mental illness may be as difficult as recovery from the illness itself. Several common, but incorrect, beliefs can interfere with the recovery process. Myths include the belief that the illness has an inherently downhill course, that rehabilitation is useful only after stabilization, and that people with schizophrenia can only work at low-level jobs. People who have schizophrenia have reported that their own process of recovery was helped by their determination to get better, an understanding of the illness, taking personal responsibility, having friends who accept them, an optimistic attitude, and spiritual beliefs that help them find meaning in life.


Diamond, R. J. (2006). Recovery from a psychiatrist’s viewpoint. Postgraduate medicine, 54-62.

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